Looking Past the Idyllic Red Barn

The reality of the farm business (with the idyllic red barn and bountiful locally grown, organic vegetables) is much more complex than the rosy stories that are told in these documentaries. Every conversation I have with a regional-scale food producer is a reminder that the path toward success is not straightforward.

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Alissa WelkerComment
What Is Lost When We Prioritize Efficiency In Our Food System

Now, sitting on the front porch of our family’s cabin in rural Missouri, just a couple miles down the road from my family’s original homestead, I have been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve been mulling over what was gained and what was lost by the great migration from rural to urban and from farms to desk jobs.

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Rapid Innovation Is One Side Effect Of Covid-19

Everyday there is a new headline about restaurants trying new ways to stay in business or policies temporarily changing to allow innovative ideas to flourish. The old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention” is unfolding before our eyes. New ideas and out of the box thinking is what is needed right now, and people are stepping up to the plate.

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Something Is Wrong With This Picture: Why Farmers Continue To Plant Commodity Crops Despite Low Prices

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Prospective Plantings Report was recently released. U.S. farmers are expected to plant 97 million acres of corn in the 2020 season. This number is up from last year despite abysmally low commodity prices and decreased demand for biofuels. Why do farmers continue to plant these commodity crops with little return?

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Brainstorming For Our Future: Ideas For Addressing Concerns Of Commodity Grain Growers In The U.S. During The Covid-19 Crisis

This is an important time in the agri-food space as people around the globe are exploring the impacts of the Covid-19 crises and its impact on food accessibility and our agri-food system. Many of these questions do not yet have clear answers. Our critical thinking about potential solutions must match its novelty.

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