The Farm Gym

All Full Body Farm Workout

Having a desk job requires building in gym time and reaching the coveted goal of 10,000 steps a day. But for certain types of farming methods, when you are out working the land everyday, the gym looks a little different. It is a bit sunnier and quite a bit weedier but can work your arms, legs, back and buttox just the same.

Check out some of my Farm Gym Moves from this week - including photos and step by step instructions. 

The Broadfork Tango: A broadfork (pictured below) is a tool used to loosen up densely packed soil. It is commonly used when preparing a new garden bed. Using a broadfork also provides a natural way to aerate the soil.


Instructions: There are multiple ways to execute the Broadfork Tango. In this photo I am demonstrating a common method to help prepare a new bed for seeding. 

  • Place the broadfork so that it is vertical to the ground. 

  • Step up onto the metal bar and move from side to side as the metal tongs sink into the soil. 

  • Use your core muscles and arms to balance on the bar

  • Tip: If you are having trouble getting the broadfork to sink in, try swaying from side to side and pumping your arms back and forth to maneuver it downward. (Note that this is where the Tango part comes in.)

The Compost Dump w/ Side-Steps: Adding compost before planting is an important step to provide extra organic matter and nutrients to the soil to help seeds germinate and grow.


Instructions: An exercise with a name that is slightly less whimsical sounding than the Broadfork Tango, but just as effective at getting the muscles burning. 

  • Lift the bucket of compost and hold horizontal to make it easy to pour evenly onto the prepared garden bed.

  • Starting at one end of the bed, side-step down the row and slowly pour out compost so it is spread evenly.

The Bucket Burner: I could write a blog post on 100 uses for buckets on the farm… I will spare you the first 98 on that list but 99 is The Bucket Burner. A Farm Gym Exercise that is sure to get your arms burning. 


Instructions: Fill your bucket with the type of material that needs to be transported. My filler of choice this week was weeds. LOTS of weeds. Once your buckets are full, walk the buckets to the chicken pen so that the chickens can pick through the weeds. They are sure to find some yummy bugs and greenery to eat. (This one is pretty self explanatory but I have included instructions below just in case).

  • Fill bucket with material as you work

  • Once full, lift with your biceps and dispose of the material 

There you have it. An inside look into the latest gym craze- The Farm Gym. Stay tuned for more Farm Gym tips and exercises likeThe Seed-Step, The Wonky Wheelbarrow and The Weeder.